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File Transfers

The file transfer server locations where ACTITO will upload/download files must be provided while defining an ETL (IN) or an export (OUT).

It can be weither:

On your own server

  • The supported protocols are FTP (secured or not) and SFTP.
  • Uploaded files will be managed on your end. ACTITO will not take in charge file cleaning.


Hosted by ACTITO

ACTITO can provide you with secured FTP server accounts (FTPS).

If you need one, you will have to provide :

  • login (i.e. the account name)
  • IPs that will be used to access the server so as our network team can whitelist those IPs.

Once created, we will send you the password to use to connect.

Contact our support team for FTPS account creation requests.

ACTITO takes in charge the regular cleaning of those FTP server accounts. So as to say those servers are not to be used to “store” files on a long term.

File retention delay

Files uploaded on FTPS servers hosted at ACTITO are kept for a maximum of 5 days.
Beyond 5 days, they will be automatically deleted.
Anyway, it's a good practice to delete files after having collected them.

If you decide to use an ACTITO FTPS server, you have to ask your network provider to:

  • Allow output traffic from your network to our IPs on destination TCP port 21 (FTP Authentication channel).
  • Allow traffic from your network to our IPs on the TCP port range : from 31000 to 32000 (Data channel).

Our FTP server IPs :

PRODUCTION envs (ENV-0, ENV-1 and ENV-3) : (
TEST env : (

File Transfer API

For full information on API calls to set up file transfer server configurations or automated file transfer synchronizations, check our FILE TRANSFERS API section.