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This section exposes to you some great business use cases that happen IRL and that can be set up via ACTITO's Integration Framework.

Available cases#

Quick start - It's your first time with ACTITO Integration Framework? Then this case is for you!

Opt-in & preferences management - What you need is a to set up real-time sync between your website subscription form and send reactive e-mail welcome? Check this case out.

Daily Newsletter - This case explains how you can define and launch daily newsletter with dynamic HTML content and how you can automate this whole process.

Database sync - This guide will help you to set up quickly an efficient sync between your system and ACTITO's Data Model.

HTML Content Blocks - This case helps you build a library of HTML content blocks that can be referenced dynamically in e-mails for personalized content.

Coming soon

Some more representative cases will be added shortly, stay tuned!