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Export files format

Output files#

You can ask Actito data export files to be generated in two formats :

  • CSV flat files
  • Excel files (not recommended due to limitation on rows)


Event if not mandatory, it is highly recommended to define a compression for exported files in order to limit bandwidth use and remote server space needed.
Both ZIP and GZIP compression types are available.

When using the Exports API to define exports, you can define precisely the expected naming of both flat and compressed archive files (also available in the portal in Expert mode):

  • If ZIP is defined, you can specify both archive name pattern and flat file within the archive name pattern (ex: a myExport_$ archive containing a myExport.csv flat file).
  • If GZIP is defined, you can specify the name of the compressed file (ex: myExport_$yyyyMMdd.csv.gz) and even the name of the flat file resulting of the extraction of the gzip file (ex: myExport.csv).
Placeholders in file name patterns

Note that the file names you define are patterns that can include a placeholder that will be replaced at file generation using the date of the execution.
Ex: defining a flat file name pattern like myExport_$yyyyMMdd.csv will result in the generation of a myExport_20220831.csv for the 31/08/2022 export execution.
For a comprehensive list of available placeholders, refer to the Exports API reference.

CSV flat files specifications#

  • Format: CSV
  • Encoding: UTF-8 without BOM
  • Header line: Yes
  • Cells separator: ;
  • Lines separator: \n
  • Encapsulation Character (quoting char): " (double quotes)
  • Escape Character (escape char): " (double quotes)
  • Separator of decimal: .
  • Separator between values of a multi-values field: ,
API limitations

Deploying a draft export through the Exports API is a little bit less flexible than in Actito portal.
Keep in mind that :

  • All fields of the event to export are exported by default. In Actito portal, end-user can filter the fields to export.
  • Using a different column header than exported field technical name is only possible in Actito portal.
  • Adding recipients that should receive a daily export execution report is only possible in Actito portal.
  • The technical name of the business key of each table is fixed (value is businessKey).
    Furthermore, the end-user can modify the draft if necessary (adding report recipients, adjusting columns to export etc.) before activating the daily execution of the export.

Data formatting#

Hereby follows the formatting patterns that will be used for every kind of attribute you can find in a profile or custom table.

Raw data#

  • String
    • Max 255 characters (unless specifically defined in the attribute definition).
    • Separator between values of a multi-values field is , per default. Possible to change the format (; or tab) in Actito portal only.
  • Numeric
    • Should contain integers, longs or decimals.
    • Negative numbers should be prefixed with the dash - char.
    • Positive numbers should not be prefixed with the + char.
    • Decimal separator should be the . char.
  • Boolean
    • true or false by default.
    • Possible to change the format to 0/1 or Y/N in Actito portal only.
  • Date
    • Formatted with the yyyy-MM-dd pattern by default.
    • Possible to change the format to dd/MM/yyyy or yyyyMMdd in Actito portal only.
  • Date-time
    • Formatted with the yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss pattern by default.
    • Possible to change the format to dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss or yyyyMMddhhmmss in Actito portal only.